candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-1617-6265
More details
Statistics; Socio-economic statistics; Economics-mathematical methods and models; Econometrics; Project analysis
Scientific activity:
- “Methods of analysis and quantitative assessment of the competitive potential of telecommunications operators” (No. DR 0114U006568 (2014), executor of the work (chapter 4));
- “Management of project development of enterprises in the information and telecommunications sphere” (No. DR 0116U006067 (2016), executor of the work (chapter 4).
- “The main directions of managing the development of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty of the operating environment.” (No. DR 0117U003415 (10.2016-05.2017), executor of the work (chapter 4).
- “Problems of managing the development of telecommunications companies.” (No. DR 0118U100362 (2018-2019), executor of the work (chapter 4).
- “Theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the innovative development of modern companies in the field of information and communication technologies” (No. DR 0119U103660 (2019-2020), executor of the work (chapter 2).
Pedagogical activity:
Shchurovska A.Yu. has more than 41 publications of a scientific and educational and methodological nature, in total, during the period of scientific and pedagogical activity, according to the profile of the department, 12 teaching aids, 10 methodological instructions were published;
Has two educational and methodological manuals with the Vulture of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine:
- Burimenko Yu.I., Shchurovska A.Yu. Statistical methods in the field of communication using MS Excel: training. manual, Odesa: ONAZ, 2011. – 244 p. The Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine – letter No. 1/11-4457 dated June 2, 2011. ISBN 978-966-7598-69-3.
- Burimenko Yu.I., Sinyavskyi O.V. Shchurovska A.Yu. Mathematical programming with solving problems on a computer Study guide, Kyiv: Osvita Ukrainy, 2010. – 200 p. Ministry of Education, Culture and Science – letter No. 1/11-2490 dated February 29, 2010. ISBN 978-966-188-139-5.
Academic title – associate professor (Certificate of associate professor, series 12DC, No. 027537, Decision of the attestation board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated January 20, 2011, protocol No. 3/32-Д)
Scientific degree – candidate of economic sciences with a specialty 03.08.04 – Economics of transport and communication (Diploma of candidate of sciences, series DK No. 030967, Decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated 12.15.2005, protocol No. 84-06/7)
Degree of higher education – specialist in the specialty “Economics and Management in Communications”, awarded the qualification of Economist Engineer (Specialist Diploma, KE series No. 900362 with honors, issued by the Ukrainian State Academy of Communications named after O.S. Popov (June 10, 1995 p.)
She has been working in the higher education system since 1995, in particular in the following positions:
- engineer of the automated control system department of the Odesa Telecom regional telecommunications enterprise; (1995);
- engineer of the 1st category and graduate student of the Management of Communications Enterprises Department of the ONAT named after O.S. Popova (1995-2000);
- teacher of the Management of Communications Enterprises Department of ONAT named after O.S. Popova (2000-2003);
- teacher of the Project Management and System Analysis Department of ONAT named after O.S. Popova (2003-2005);
- teacher of the Management and Marketing Department of ONAT named after O.S. Popova (2005-2006);
- senior lecturer of the Management and Marketing Department of ONAT named after O.S. Popova (2006);
- associate professor of the Project Management and System Analysis Department of ONAZ named after O.S. Popova (2006-2018);
- associate professor of the Economic Theory and Project Management Department of ONAT named after O.S. Popova (2018-2019);
- Associate Professor of the Economic Theory and Project Management Department of the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (2019-2020);
- Associate Professor of the Public Management and Administration Department of the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (2020-2022);
- Associate Professor of the Marketing, Management, Public Management and Administration Department of the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (2022-2023);
- Associate Professor of the Management and Marketing Department of the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (from September 1, 2023 to date).