Senior Lecturer of the Department of Linguodidactics
and Foreign Languages
Researcher ID: AAT-4449-2020
ORCID: 0000-0003-2686-6155
More details
Foreign language (English) for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education (technical, social and humanitarian)
The scientist has more than 19 scientific and educational-methodical works, of which 12 (1 is a Collective Monograph) are scientific and 11 are educational-methodical (of which 7 are textbooks, 2 are glossaries and 2 are dictionaries).
She advanced her qualifications:·
- participation in scientific and practical training program “Information and communication technologies in the digital economy: the socio-economic, political, psychological aspects and their impact on the education system”, Karaganda Buketov University, Certificate of Participation № 000024-EF, 27.03.2023-01.06.2023.
- participation in the training program at the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies, certificate of participation №95/11 from 28.03.2017, 19.11.2016-19.12-2016.
- participation in the training program at the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies, certificate of participation №76/P1 from, 22.04.2022 22.11.2021-18.04.2022.
Professional certificates:
- certificates of participation in international and Ukrainian scientific conferences;
- training certificates from “Dinternal Education” and “Diia Osvita”.
Degree of higher education – specialist: “Methodology and pedagogics of secondary education. Language and literature (English, German languages and foreign literature) with the specialty “A teacher of language and literature (English, German languages and foreign literature)”, (Specialist’s diploma, SK series No. 16282227, issued by the State institution “Southern Ukrainian National University named after K. D. Ushynsky” July 10, 2001).
She has been working in the higher education system since 2001, in particular in the following positions:
- Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages, Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications (later State University of Intellectual Technologies and Telecommunication) – (2001-2023);
- Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, Separate Structural Division of the Professional College of Communication and Informatization of State University of Intellectual Technologies and Telecommunication (September 2023 – October 2023);
- from October 2023 to the present – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Linguadidactics and Foreign Languages, State University of Intellectual Technologies and Telecommunication.
Scientific interests:
methods of teaching foreign languages, innovative technologies, digitalization of educational process; mixed, distance and on-line learning.
Member of the Public Organization “Ukrainian Branch of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language” FM0819.