Associate Professor of the Department of Linguodidactics
and Foreign Languages,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua
ORCID: 0009-0005-5241-9473
More details
Business Ukrainian; Vocational Ukrainian.
The scientist has more than 25 scientific publications: 1 article indexed in the Web of Science scientometric databases; 12 articles in scientific professional publications of Ukraine; 1 article in foreign scientific publications; 9 works in the proceedings of scientific conferences of various levels and periodicals of Ukraine; 1 methodological recommendations; 1 monograph (Hirsch index – h-2).
Additional qualification trainings and internship:
- internship at the University of Prague in the field of “Organizace ucebnino procesu, innovative method and technology: ze zkusenosti Katedry mezinarodni ekonomie, Ekonomicke faculty of University of Prague”, certificate, December 20 – February 21, 2022;
- international academic internship “Fundraising and organization of project activities in educational institutions: European experience” Poland – Ukraine, April 22 – May 28, 2023
Professional certificates:
On March 14, 2023: completed an English language course that meets the generally accepted European standard B2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The total number of training hours is 608 hours.
- Scientific degree – PhD in Pedagogical Sciences on specialty 00.04 – theory and methods of vocational training (Diploma of Candidate of Science comparable to the Academic Degree of Doctor of Philosophy series DK №050239, based on the Attestation board decision of 18.12. 2018).
- Degree in higher education – Specialist: Ukrainian Language, Literature, and History, (Specialist Diploma, series LP VE No. 2009673, issued by South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky on June 27, 1997).
Since 1997 has been working in the system of Higher education
- 1997 – 2016: worked as a teacher of Ukrainian Language and Literature at Odesa secondary school № 60;
- Teacher of Ukrainian Language and Literature at Odesa Maritime Professional College of Sea and Fishing Fleet named after Oleksii Solianyk 2016-2023;
- Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Foreign Languages, State University of Intelligent Technologies and Communications since 2023 till present.
Major spheres of scientific interest:
Theory and methods of studying the Ukrainian language, use of interactive technologies in teaching.
Member of “National Union of Local History of Ukraine” since 2023.