Safonova Nadiia
Head of the Educational and Research Center for Educational Work, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,Associate Professor

Ivanova Oksana
Head of the Department of Social and Psychological Work, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor

Doisan–Korovyonkova Nataliia
Head of the Department of Educational Work
Educational work at the State University of Intelligent Technologies and Telecommunications (hereinafter referred to as the University) is carried out by the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education,” the University Charter, the Academic Council’s decisions, and the Rector’s orders and instructions.
Educational work is realized in the joint social, sports, and scientific activities of students, teachers, and curators of academic groups of faculties and institutes.
Planning and organization of educational work at the University is carried out by the Center for Educational and Scientific and Educational Work of the University (hereinafter referred to as the Center).
The purpose of the Center, on the one hand, is to intensify traditional types of educational activities and, on the other hand, to search for and implement new forms of influence on students and develop new methods of interaction with young people. The system of educational work at the University is focused on forming a harmonious personality and creating conditions for realizing students’ creative potential and spiritual, moral, and physical self–improvement. The educational work of the University is aimed at such benchmarks as responsibility for the development of Ukrainian society, readiness to defend democratic transformations, formation of an active position of young people in the process of state building, introduction of various forms of self–government, and solving problems of social protection of young people.
The purpose of the educational work system at the University is to train specialists who have active social positions and civic responsibilities, can develop national traditions creatively, and achieve self–expression in the professional sphere.
The Center organizes and coordinates the University’s educational work, including the Department of Educational Work, the Department of Social and Psychological Work, faculties, humanities departments, student self–government bodies of faculties, and dormitories. The Center’s employees organize lectures and discussions with students on the development of legal culture, prevention of offenses, drug and alcohol addiction among students, cooperation with medical institutions, meetings of coordinators for educational work, dormitory managers with heads of student councils and students to discuss their compliance with the rules of residence in the dormitory. The educational function of such events contributes to the growth of legal culture and healthy lifestyle.
The main tasks of the Center are:
- coordination of educational work at the University and its separate subdivisions;
- providing conditions for the effective functioning of the work of curators;
- creating optimal conditions for the activities of student self–government bodies;
- providing advisory and methodological assistance to subjects of educational work of different levels on educational work among students;
- ensuring that students develop a high culture of interpersonal relationships, form a humanistic worldview and universal culture;
- creation of favorable conditions for the formation of the student’s personality as a patriotic citizen, professional citizen, and democratic citizen;
- ensuring the development of historical memory in the younger generation, fostering patriotic feelings, which are manifested in the recognition of the prestige of the alma mater, respect for the native university as a leading educational and scientific institution of the country;
- implementation of preventive education for modern student youth;
- promoting students’ participation in the research work of the university to form a creative, active, hardworking personality with professional skills, developed business qualities, responsibility, and readiness for life in market conditions;
- formation of an ecological culture of the individual that regulates the relationship between man and nature and orientates the individual to the preservation and restoration of nature as a habitat for all living things (bioethics);
- creation of conditions for active recreation of students, development of the need for a healthy lifestyle among students as an integral element of the general culture of the individual;
- formation of aesthetic feelings, tastes, views, aesthetic attitude to reality, creative activity of students through lectures containing aesthetic origins, as well as in the process of work of circles, hobby clubs, studios, participation of students in amateur performances, visiting theaters, exhibitions, museums, meetings with cultural and artistic figures;
- work on encouraging the best students of the university, public activists, and members of amateur groups;
- organizing cooperation between different structural units of the university involved in educational work;
- control over the implementation of educational plans;
- coordination of the work of student councils of dormitories, deputy deans for educational work;
- control over students’ compliance with the university’s internal regulations, the internal regulations in student dormitories, and students’ compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and rules of residence in dormitories;
- organizing and conducting socio–psychological and marketing research of the educational services market;
- analysis of the educational services market;
- planning and implementation of the university’s advertising campaign (video, audio clips, printing, exhibitions, etc.);
- ensuring cultural and spiritual development of the individual;
Student centers work fruitfully at the University, namely:
- The Council of Student Self–Government of the University;
- The Trade Union of Students of the University.