Assosiate professor, PhD of sociology
ORCID: 0000-0003-1277-3636
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Marketing research, Sociology of Globalization, Sociology and Political Science, Multidimensional methods for processing sociological information, Sociological Research at Enterprises and Team Building, Ukrainian Sociological Tradition and Modern Research, and Socio-Political Research.
More than 10 scientific and educational publications.
Advanced training at the Center for Business Training “Goal and Time Management,” Philanthropy University on the course Planning for monitoring and evaluation (five-module course), Google Digital Tools for Education, etc. were accomplished.
- Academic title – associate professor (Certificate of associate professor, series 12DTs, No. 046806, February 25, 2016, protocol No. 1/02-D) Ministry of Science and Education, Decision of the Attestation Board).
- Scientific degree – Candidate of Sociological Sciences in the specialty 22.00.02 – “Methodology and Methods of Sociological Research” (Diploma of Candidate of Sciences, series DK No. 035417, Decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine of July 4, 2006, protocol No. 54-06/7).
- Degree of higher education – specialist in “Applied Mathematics,” qualified as a mathematician (Specialist Diploma, series SK No. 11165882, issued by the State Institution “Odessa State University named after I.I. Mechnikov” on June 30, 1999). Specialist in “Sociology,” qualified as a sociologist, teacher of socio-political disciplines (Specialist Diploma, series SK No. 13912144, issued by the State Institution “Odessa State University named after I.I. Mechnikov” on June 23, 2000).
Working experience in higher education system since 1999, in particular in the following positions:
- Graduate student, part-time assistant professor of sociology at Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov (1999-2006);
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (2006-2009);
- Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov (2009-2022);
- Associate Professor of Public Communications and Regional Studies Dept. Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (2022-2023);
- from September 2023 to the present – Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations, Public Communications and IT Law of the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications.
- Since 2007 to the present, he works part-time as the head of the social development department of the International Public Organization “Unifying (Joint).”
- Since 1999 currently participates in the leadership and conduct of public opinion polls in cooperation with local authorities and public organizations.