senior lecturer, member of the Ukrainian Association for the Development of Management and Business Education
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4678-116X
GOOGLE SCHOLAR: https://scholar.google.com.ua
More details
Management (specialty 126 information and computer technologies, specialty 073 management, specialty 075 marketing, specialty 051 economics), Production organization (specialty 051), Team-management (specialty 073 management), Team building training (specialty 061 journalism), Team building and work in a group (specialty 125 cyber security and information protection).
In the course of scientific and pedagogical activity, more than 80 publications of a scientific and educational and methodological nature have been created, of which he is a co-author in 5 textbooks for various specialties.
She advanced her qualifications and completed an internship in the structural divisions (branch marketing department, directorate administration) of PJSC Ukrtelecom and JSC Ukrposhta, in the marketing department of the telecommunications operator PJSC Farlep-Invest, at the Management and Mathematical Modeling of Market Processes Department of Odesa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov, international internship in Germany (International Internship “Digital Future: Blended Learning”, German-Ukrainian Innovation Network 2, Supported by DAAD German Academic Exchange Service DigIn.Net 2 Project), international internship in Karaganda, Kazakhstan ( Information and communication technologies in the digital economy: the socio-economic, political, psychological aspect and their impact on the education system).
Taught at advanced training courses:
- for heads of structural divisions of PJSC Ukrtelecom on the topic “Practical use of modern approaches to quality management”;
- for the heads of marketing departments of JSC Ukrposhta on the topic “Methodology of marketing research on the demand for postal services”;
- for heads of planning and financial divisions of telecommunications providers on the topic “Development of the provider’s customer orientation based on the implementation of the CRM system”
Higher education – Automatic electrical communication, electrical communication engineer (Diploma with honors series ЖВ-1 No. 126560, issued by the State institution “Odesa Electrotechnical Institute of Communication named after O. S. Popov” on June 17, 1981).
She has been working in the higher education system since 1990, in particular in the following positions:
- teacher of the Management of Communications Enterprises Department of the Odesa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications named after O.S. Popova (1990-1998);
- senior lecturer of the Management and Marketing Department of the Odesa National Academy of Communications named after O. S. Popov, then the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communication (from 1998 to the present)
She took an active part in the implementation of scientific and research works commissioned by leading telecommunications operators, has an award from the management of JSC Ukrtelecom for the relevance and value of the diploma work of a higher education student as the best diploma supervisor.