The Head of the Department of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies – Zhanna Maslova.
She graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov State University in 1988 and has been a lecturer since 2000. She has been working at the Odesa State Academy of Telecommunications named after O.S. Popov on a part-time basis since 1998; since 2003 – she has been Dean of the departmental educational, research and production unit “Zvjazok,” Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy and Ukrainian Studies of the Odesa State Academy of Telecommunications named after O.S. Popov; since 2005 – Head of the Department of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies.
Положення про аспірантуру
Перелік документів, що регулюють підготовку здобувачів наукових ступенів, порядок підготовки до захисту та захисту дисертацій:
1. Порядок підготовки здобувачів вищої освіти ступеня доктора філософії та доктора наук у закладах вищої освіти (наукових установах), затверджений постановою Кабінету Міністрів України від 23 березня 2016 р. № 261 (в редакції постанови КМУ від 19.05.2023 № 502).
Postgraduate and doctoral studies provide training for scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel of the highest qualification – Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science.
Main functions of this structural unit:
- coordination of the activities of the departments for obtaining licenses for educational activities at the third (academic and scientific) level of higher education to train applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy;
- coordination of the activities of the departments and the Academic Council of the University in carrying out educational activities at the scientific level of higher education to prepare candidates for the degree of Doctor of Sciences;
- forming a plan for admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies under the state order;
- formation of the plan of graduation by state order from postgraduate and doctoral studies;
- formation of the admission committee subject commissions for admission to graduate school;
- organization and conduct of entrance examinations, enrollment in doctoral studies;
- coordination of the activities of the departments and the Academic Council of the University on the organization of admission to doctoral studies and admission to postgraduate studies;
- assignment of persons who are professionally engaged in scientific or scientific-pedagogical activities at the university to obtain higher education of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy outside of postgraduate studies;
- organization of the process of training postgraduate students, doctoral students, and persons attached to the university to obtain higher education of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy outside of postgraduate studies;
- organization of candidate examinations; formation of examination committees for candidate examinations (for graduate students and applicants who entered the postgraduate program before 2016);
- preparation of reports on the activities of postgraduate and doctoral programs of the SUITT.
Useful information
to applicants for the degrees of Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Science)
Information on the scientific specialties in which postgraduate and doctoral studies are conducted at the SUITT and the specialized academic councils established at the SUITT is available on the university web site https://suitt.edu.ua in the “Science” section.
The list of documents regulating the training of applicants for academic degrees and the procedure for preparing for and defending dissertations:
- Procedure for the preparation of applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in higher education institutions (research institutions), approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 23, 2016, № 261 (as amended by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 19.05.2023 № 502).
- The Procedure for Awarding the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Cancellation of the Decision of a One-time Specialized Academic Council of a Higher Education Institution or Research Institution to Award the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 44 of January 12, 2022 (as amended by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 341 of March 21, 2023 and No. 502 of May 19, 2023).
- The Procedure for Awarding and Revoking the Degree of Doctor of Sciences, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1197 of 17.11.2021 (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 502 of 19.05.2023).
- Regulations on the Specialized Academic Council for the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Sciences, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 13.12.2021 No. 1359.
- Regulations on the Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Scientific Personnel, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 01, 1999 No. 309 (as amended) – for postgraduate students, doctoral students, and applicants whose training began before September 01, 2016.
- The Procedure for Awarding Academic Degrees, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 567 of 24.07.2013 (as amended) – for candidates of PhD and doctoral degrees whose training began before September 1, 2016.
- Requirements for the publication of the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences and a published monograph submitted for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 23.09.2019 No. 1220 “On the publication of the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences” (as amended).
- Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 30.10.2019 No. 1/11-9518 “On the Application of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 23.09.2019 No. 1220 ‘On the Publication of the Results of Dissertations for the Degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences.’
- Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 09.03.2021 No. 9/267-21 “On Providing Information” (regarding publishing scientific articles in periodicals).
- The list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in which the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science, Candidate of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy may be published – https://mon.gov.ua/ua/nauka/nauka/atestaciya-kadriv-vishoyi-kvalifikaciyi/naukovi-fahovi-vidannya
- Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine dated February 14, 2013, No. 1/9-116 “On dissertations”.
- Requirements for the Dissertation, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 40 of January 12, 2017 (as amended by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 759 of May 31, 2019).
- The bibliographic description in the list of references in the dissertation and the list of published works in the abstract is drawn up by DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and Documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation”.
On the Internet, documents should be searched on the official web portal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine at the following address: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua => Legislation => Legislation of Ukraine => Documents by publisher.
You can find the documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine at http://mon.gov.ua in the section “Legislation.”
Tel. +38 (048) 7050266
(Department of Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies)