The main and strategic direction of the team of the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communication is to ensure the sustainable development of the University, integrated into the world educational and scientific space.The policy of the University in the field of quality is aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the University on the basis of high-quality educational and scientific activities in order to ensure the acquisition of systematized knowledge, skills and practical skills, stimulation of research and innovation, training of qualified, nationally and socially conscious specialists capable of self-development and lifelong learning.
The University’s policy in the field of quality is a tool for the implementation of the mission, vision and strategic goals and is implemented within the framework of the general institutional culture of ensuring the highest quality; is based on the basic principles of “Standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European area of higher education ESG, 2015” and DSTU ISO 9001:2015, which are focused on satisfying the requests of interested parties, provided that a continuous cycle of management and improvement of all educational and scientific processes is ensured.
The State University of Intelligent Technologies and Communications is an institution of higher education that participates in ensuring the social and economic development of Ukraine through the formation of human capital, satisfying the needs of citizens and the state in quality education by training highly educated, nationally conscious, highly qualified specialists for practical and scientific activities capable of satisfying personal spiritual and material needs, as well as the needs of society in ensuring sustainable innovative development, providing high-quality educational services and implementing innovative scientific research in accordance with the modern needs of the economy and the requirements of interested parties, the dissemination of scientific knowledge.
Implementation of development projects and programs, disclosure of the educational and research potential of its activities, maximum approximation of the main characteristics of the University to the world level and creation of prerequisites for admission to the leading and prestigious universities of the world according to recognized university ratings.
Provision of high-quality multi-level education, training of competitive specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, transfer of new knowledge and the latest technologies, development of world-class innovative products, implementation of the results of scientific research, technical, technological and design developments in practice, entry into leading scientific and educational centers of the world, ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education, their compliance with national licensing conditions for the provision of educational services, European and international educational standards.
Policy formation in the field of quality:
- corresponds to the purpose and environment of the organization and supports its strategic direction;
- provides a basis for setting quality goals;
- contains an obligation to meet the requirements for the quality of educational activities and the quality of the educational process;
- contains a systematic approach to improving the quality management system.
- Continuous development and improvement of educational services and scientific activities. Systematic analysis of the requirements and expectations of all interested parties and their satisfaction with the services provided by the University;
- Ensuring effective and efficient cooperation with all interested parties in the process of formation and implementation of educational programs and implementation of scientific activities;
- Ensuring effective and continuous improvement of the system of internal assurance of the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education;
- Ensuring that employees understand policy and goals in the field of quality, as well as their role in achieving the required level of performed works and services, regular training and improvement of employee competence;
- Internationalization of educational and scientific activities, entry into the international educational and scientific space;
- Continuous implementation of best practices in educational and scientific activities, updating of the educational and scientific material and technical base;
- Creation of favorable conditions at the University for the development of creative cooperation of scientific and pedagogical workers and students;
- Ensuring a transparent process of informing all interested parties about the activities of the University;
- Implementation of self-monitoring and self-analysis at all levels of the University’s activities.
The policy of the University in the field of quality (regarding ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education) is a component of its strategic management. The policy is public and open to all participants in the educational process, as well as other interested parties. The policy is implemented through internal quality assurance processes with the involvement of all structural units of the University and participants in the educational process.
At the University, the quality assurance system is defined by the “Regulations on the System of Internal Quality Assurance of Educational Activities and Quality of Higher Education of SUITT”
The University’s quality assurance policy is public and forms part of strategic management. Internal stakeholders develop and implement this policy through appropriate structures and processes, involving external stakeholders.
The management of the University ensures that all employees understand and support this Policy in the field of quality, the importance of its effective implementation, and bears full responsibility for the effective, efficient functioning of the system of internal assurance of the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education.
The system for ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education at the University was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” dated 07.01.2014 No. 1556-VII (Article 16. The system for ensuring the quality of higher education) and is based on the principles set forth in ” Standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European area of higher education” of the European Association for Quality Assurance of Higher Education.
The system of ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education of the University consists of:
- strategic development plan of the University;
- systems of internal quality assurance;
- systems of external quality assurance.
The system of internal quality assurance involves the development of internal standards with:
- quality assurance policies;
- development and approval of programs;
- student-centered learning, teaching and assessment;
- enrollment, achievement, recognition and certification of students;
- teaching staff;
educational resources and student support; - information management;
- public information;
- ongoing monitoring and periodic review of programs;
- effective system of prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in scientific works of employees of higher educational institutions and students of higher education;
- cyclic external quality assurance.
The external quality assurance system consists of:
- higher education standards for each level of higher education within each specialty in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework;
- licensing conditions for conducting educational activities of educational institutions;
- accreditation requirements for conducting educational activities of educational institutions;
- requirements of state certification regarding acquired competencies of graduates;
- standards of cooperation with employers to ensure a competitive level of specialist training;
- world and national rating evaluation of the University’s activities.
When forming the University’s policy on ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education, the following principles are taken into account:
- compliance with European standards and recommendations on the quality of higher education (ESG-2015);
- compliance with national standards of higher education;
- the autonomy of the higher educational institution, as responsible for ensuring the quality of educational activities and the quality of higher education.